Is this email not displaying properly? View it in your browser OVR: Varda Caivano 27/06 – 31/07 2021 Mendes Wood DM São Paulo Rua da Consolação 3368 São Paulo, Brazil Mendes Wood DM São Paulo is pleased to present Varda Caivano's first exhibition at the gallery’s Sao Paulo space. The exhibition brings together recent paintings and explores the artist's evolving practice of abstraction. The exhibition brings together recent paintings and explores the artist's evolving practice of abstraction. Caivano investigates moments of light and image, almost like an archeologist exploring fossilized rocks. Her work is at once mysterious and same time persistent and timeless. In the exercise of combining and juxtaposing colors and shapes, Caivano work is a meditation on the nature of her own paintings. One of the possible ways to unlock our understanding of Caivano's work is to consider the image as essence, without the artifices commonly attributed to painting. It...
VISUAL ARTV "O SEU BLOG DE ARTES VISUAIS " Boletins de notícias de Artes Visuais: Artes Plásticas, Caricatura, HQs,. Literatura, Dança, Teatro, Cinema, Música, Fotografia, Design Gráfico, Sustentabilidade do planeta Terra e sistema solar. O Sol , A Terra e A Lua questões do Clima sustentabilidade dos Planetas do sistema solar que pode explodir